The Tennessee Chamber of Commerce Executives established the Tennessee Chamber of Commerce Executives Designation (TNCCE) Program to recognize the professional competence of chamber of commerce executives in the State of Tennessee. The TNCCE designation is based upon the experience, service to TCCE, training, continuing education and professional achievement of TCCE members. The TNCCE recognition is intended to strengthen the career development objectives of TCCE and provide personal recognition to chamber professionals in Tennessee. Selected recipients receive professional certification that can be included with the recipient’s profile, biography and resume. (For example: John Smith, TNCCE)*Note: If you have the IOM certification, the letters will go before the TNCCE designation in your signature. (For example: John Smith, IOM, TNCCE)

TNCCE Designation Process
Any Tennessee chamber professional with a minimum of five years of experience as a Chief Paid Executive or Experienced Staff Member is eligible to apply for the designation. If you have already achieved the Certified Chamber Executive (CCE) designation, and you have met the minimum of five years of experience as a Chief Paid Executive or Experienced Staff Member and have been employed by a chamber in Tennessee for a minimum of 24 months, you may apply and receive the TNCCE designation by paying the application fee.
The individual’s chamber they represent must be a current member of the Tennessee Chamber of Commerce Executives.

The Program is a 3-part process:

  1. Application – applicant must complete the attached program application and supply supporting documentation for each question that applies. Applications submitted without proper documentation will not be considered.
  2. Essay – applicant must prepare a 250-word or more essay describing your views on your performance as a Chamber Executive or Experience Staff member.
  3. Recommendations – application must provide letters of recommendation from each of the following:
    a. Current or Past Chamber Board Chair
    b. A TCCE Peer or Community Member (Mayor, local business leader, etc.)

The applicant must provide the information electronically. The applicant must also pay a $175.00 processing fee to TCCE. The TNCCE committee (chaired by the TCCE Immediate Past President and former TCCE Presidents or TNCCE designees) may request additional information from the applicant to clarify specific criteria. Upon approval by the TNCCE committee (consisting of current or former TCCE board members representing each grand division of the State of Tennessee), the applicant will be awarded the TNCCE designation at the TCCE Annual Conference.
*Note: The first round of designations will be awarded at the TCCE Winter Conference in 2024.
Once designation is received, each designee must recertify every three years. A renewal process will be in place.

Deadline for Applications
For designation in February 2024 (Winter Conference), applications & materials should be received by January 26, 2024.
For designation in August 2024 (Annual Conference), applications & materials should be received by July 12, 2024.


Application checks should be payable to TCCE and should be sent to:
Suzie Lusk
414 Union Street, Suite 107
Nashville, TN 37219

Payment can also be sent via email at

Should you have any questions, please contact Suzie Lusk, Vice President Events and External Affairs, at 615-513-4913.